Benefits of LED Phototherapy Technology


Wrinklessis a line of amazing beauty tools from L’Core Paris, which allows you to use the latest and greatest technology in the comfort of your own home. WrinklessPlus uses LED Phototherapy Technology to help reduce the look of your fine lines and wrinkles. LED Phototherapy Technology has become popular in the last decade, but it has been around for over 40 years. Here just a few benefits of using LED Phototherapy Technology.


  1. Safe and Gentle Non-Invasive Treatment


There are many treatments available on the markets that have not been proven to be safe or effective. This is why so many people use invasive treatments like injections and face lifts, but these treatments are very risky. Wrinkless uses red LED treatment lights in its tools, which is safe to use at home. It will penetrate the skin to the dermal layer, where it promotes new, healthy skin growth. This healthy skin growth is key for treating many skin issues and reducing the look of the signs of aging.


  1. Heals the Redness and Reduces Scarring


Eczemaand Rosacea are just two conditions that can cause your skin to have excess redness. This can be embarrassing, and most women use makeup to cover these areas. The same is true with acne and the scars that it can leave behind. This redness is most times caused by pigmentation issues and problems with the skin growth cells. The phototherapy works to heal your skin cells and promote healthy skin growth.


  1. Reduces Dark Under-Eye Circles


Under-eye circles can make you look tired and older than you really are. There are temporary treatment options for under eyes that are specially formulated for dark circles, or you can cover them with concealers. These treatments will not address the causes of the dark under-eye circles, so you will need to continue to use them. There are many causes of dark under-eye circles, which include lack of sleep and allergies. Your dark circles could also be caused by hyper pigmentation.LED PhototherapyTechnology can help reduce the look of your dark under-eye circles by treating the underlying dark pigmentation, which can create longer lasting results.


  1. Improves Appearance of Sun Damage


Sun damage is common and causes many of the signs of aging. Sun damage is difficult to treat because it is caused by the hyper pigmentation of the skin cells. Most times, these areas of hyper pigmentation will fade after some time. However, there may be spots that will not fade. Phototherapy technology treats the sun damage in the dermis, where the pigmentation of the cells is decided. This can help reduce the look of the sun damage, and other dark spots on your skin.


Wrinklessuses LED Phototherapy Technology in many of their tools. This technology has been used for 40 years, but it was originally designed to stimulate plant growth by NASA. It was soon found to improve cell repair and healing of injuries. It can be used safely at home and creates long lasting results.